

When working with one of the world's most iconic golf brands you need to understand the sport inside out. Creating Titleist's most important dealer and retail sales tool, Lifetime revitalized their 80-page catalog, enhancing product presentation and quality that resulted in a gorgeous -- yet practical -- coffee-table-worthy book. Leveraging Titleist’s long and rich history of commitment to dedicated golfers, Lifetime orchestrated numerous on-location lifestyle shoots as well as leading the entire Titleist Gear product photography effort. We also created numerous product collateral, point of sale displays and tradeshow graphics with the quality excellence that is faithful to the Titleist brand promise: “Commitment to dedicated golfers. Commitment to quality. Commitment to performance.” It’s no mistake that we work with brands that last a lifetime.

Lifetime orchestrated numerous on-location lifestyle shoots as well as leading the entire Titleist Gear product photography effort.

Point of sale displays and tradeshow graphics with the quality excellence that is faithful to the Titleist brand promise. 

A coffee-table-worthy 80 page custom designed catalog.