It took an American TO BRING IT BACK.
What Nike is to the United States is what Karhu is to Finland. A legacy brand with over 100 years of making history and a name that represents one of nature’s most powerful mammals, the bear. From producing the discus and javelins to running and track shoes, Karhu embarked on many firsts in the industry including the production of the first running shoe line to use nylon and first patented “Air Cushion” making Karhu an instant top seller with runners all over the globe. Over time, the brand became a bit stagnant and the need to play in the U.S. market while still sustaining itself in Finland was inevitable. With Eric Stoll at the helm, the Karhu brand gained an up swell of energy and relevance in the U.S. Through a total rebrand including international activations at the Helsinki Marathon, an updated brand expression, retail and point of sale, merchandising and opening up distribution channels, Karhu gained an international presence that "beared" attention to the brand like never before.